Wheel Back Wednesday

Hey wonderful people,
 I know it's Wednesday and everyone one is crushing on a woman that inspires them today.
 I actually planned to do mine..... Unfortunately, in my case, I've left the crushing phase and I am not ashamed to say that I am JEALOUS of her with a passion, it's a long story so we'll leave that until the next Woman Crush Wednesday.

So, permit me to wheel back a little..... I was working on my projects recently and yesterday after so much time invested decided to rest a little and then I remembered my high school anthem at I.G.S(Iganmode Grammar school) Big shout out to all my great Igreasians!!

 Apart from my walk with God, this anthem has been a motivation, it's like a reminder and I love the positive vibes it emits, the sacrifices attached to it.

 Indeed there's no gain without pain.
 There's something about building a solid foundation that can never go wrong, whether unconsciously or consciously we are products, of the seed sown in us while growing.
Without a solid foundation, you will have trouble creating anything of value,
Parents should be careful in selecting and sowing the right seed, not just in the spiritual but also in the physical. I would never forget what my school motto was: "knowledge and virtue"
I know knowledge is a common term used several times daily but how about virtue, in this new world that we live in, everyone wants to get updated with trends, everyone is seeking validation by the number of followers they have, everyone wants to be recognized irrespective of the length they go to achieve this selfish ambition, who still have time for being a person of virtue? that word is even relative now. Let's wheel back some memory,  according to the Webster  English  dictionary, virtue is :

  • conformity to a standard of right: MORALITY
  • a particular moral excellence
  • a beneficial quality or power of a thing
  • manly strength or courage: VALOR
  • a commendable quality or trait: MERIT
  • a capacity to act: POTENCY
  •  chastity especially in a woman

No wonder the Bible says: "train up a child in the way of the Lord and he won't depart".
Good behavior can never be outdated, having good morals can never go out of fashion, truth is truth there can never be an updated one, in a world that classifies being virtuous as cliche or a form of ignorance,  choose to be different, choose your circle, decide to live an example of Christ, when the challenges become too much, sit back get a cold glass of water and wheel back. There are still people that live clean even in this corrupt world, dare to be different!.

Big shout out to all the strong women, still keeping it real with God trying so hard working on their dreams and unashamed about the gospel it's paying off Well done!

P.S:  Take some time to wheel back on past accomplishments and how much effort was put into it! here's a funny picture of me with my mum and teacher  at my elementary school graduation😆😜



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