Hey!!   it's going to be an exciting month, I have been having this feeling since early this year to write about the things I'm most grateful for and about His continuous love for me  all this years on Earth hasn't been my might and like I always say  "I am a proof that God's grace is REAL! "  I remember talking to my friend sometimes ago and she told me one day she woke up and felt like she grew overnight and she started seeing life in a very different way just like that!  yeah I woke up one day feeling exactly the same way and immediately, I understood her. I woke up feeling like I needed to do more, I actually didn't know initially, tried to figure it out on my own and during those figuring days, I left my self out then I remembered my source ever since birth. Hey you! don't ever take God's instructions for granted even if it sounds funny, let me tell tell you about my weekend >>>>(I traveled with my family to go see  a live movie on stage  about the story of JONAH in the bible  and as I was watching, the Holy Spirit was reminding me how "JONAHCIOUS" I had been) But, looking back I've got a lot of great testimonies of God's love for my life, I flashed back to high school days and all I can do now is smile, anyone who knew me then would understand, I suffered inferiority complex  till I graduated (story for another day)  had no clue what to do with my life after school until I found the love I needed in Jesus Christ. N/B all of my friends up till now know how much I love and talk about my family  and they love me too but, I couldn't figure out why I still  didn't get all confident in myself (now I know it was the devil, but he failed!) the love was so real. I know sometimes life to tries to show us PEPPER but you can decide to make PEPPER SOUP with chilled drink out of it and enjoy life, He has taught me to enjoy every moment of my life without worries  mattew 6:33 .My mentor used to say "it is not nonreligious to be challenged but it is unscriptural to be defeated" and I agree. Life is what you make of it!! since it's my birth month I have decided to dedicate this month to show my gratitude to God in thanksgiving.....over the years, I realized God has been too good.

Picture I took at Sight and Sound Theatres
First, I am grateful for life, only the living can praise Him. There are days I forgot to pray before and after waking up yet, He never sleeps, fight battles for me in the midnight hour, keeps His angels charge over me. I really don't deserve it yet he keeps protecting  me. Even when I walk through the valley of the shadow of death. My Savior loved me from day one up till now. Yes..... He is God and He's been faithful! What are you thankful for?
Since its flash back period for me , this is a little piece I  wrote and shared on my Facebook page about 4years ago!

As a kid,
I used to wonder  who created the sun, the moon and the stars?
who created the whole universe?
who created the little ants, the birds in the sky, fishes and all kinds of animals?
Every time that feeling comes, I just tell my self
"that person must be really talented"
but I got it all wrong 'cos no human could ever do that.
are you kidding me?
It's a definite no no
So who created all this things?

As I grew in the Lord, studying the Word
A very interesting  book in bible called "GENESIS"
had me thinking as I saw and read
how God created the UNIVERSE
in just six days!! 
common, that's amazing.

Not even  the best house in the whole world
was built in six days ( haven't read about it or seen any)
I was very touched and it made me want to draw closer
and fall in love with the creator of the world each new day.
I made His Word my companion,
further reading made me understand He created Humans too (you and me)
He did not stop there.....
He also gave us light and dominion over every other thing He created
Sweet Lord!! 
that's just the greatest love, no man can give
I don't know if I have a witness

Growing more in His Word everyday, He kept assuring me of His greatness
telling me there's nothing impossible for Him to do for His precious children
He is so great that even when we (Humans) messed up
He brought His only son JESUS to die for our sins
I mean, who does that? but He did!
He made the earth His foot stool,we are like little ants before Him
God is ever present, same God in Africa, Europe, America, Asia at the same time
Haba!! My God is great

Man is LIMITED  but God is UNLIMITED, He is our father
So I can ask anything and receive, even when i'm broken
He pulls me together, He created the earth and still prepared 
a beautiful Mansion for me in Heaven
My God is great, that's how I FOUND LOVE IN HIS GREATNESS.

Psalm 100:1-5




Unknown said…
Wonderful..... I really have a lot to be grateful for as well.
Oyinkansola said…
Yeah.... for everything give thanks!

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